Welcome to the Official Webpage of the Grand Gorge Hose Company #1.  We are a 100% Volunteer Fire Department located in the small hamlet of Grand Gorge, New York.

Grand Gorge is located in the beautiful Catskill Mountains.

Please be sure to check each of the Smoke Dectectors in your house.  One nine volt battery could be the difference between life and death.
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Click here to check our sister site:
Phone Numbers:
Fire House - 607-588-7547
Fax - 607-588-7548

As we are 100% volunteers in both fire and rescue, please note that our station is not manned 24 hours a day. If you cannot reach anyone at the station, please leave a message with your name and phone number and someone will return the call at a later time.

If you have an emergency –
 please call 911.

This page was last updated: February 3, 2016
Grand Gorge Hose Company #1
60753 State Highway 30
Grand Gorge NY  12434